Workshops – teachers and students
Kreeda conducts workshops for teachers and students on the value of traditional Indian games. The games played include a combination of Indoor and Outdoor games. Through these games, we aim to create a unique learning experience where participants take away valuable lessons on important qualities that will prove useful in life. Some of the topics that we have covered are given below –
- Fun with traditional games
- Teachers Training – using Traditional games in developing Motor Skills
- Teachers Training – using Traditional games in developing Sensory Skills
- Teachers Training – using Traditional games in developing hand-eye co-ordination
- Teachers Training – using Traditional games in developing Mathematical Skills
- Traditional games in developing Team building actions
- Traditional games in developing Leadership Skills
- Traditional games in developing Goal setting
- Traditional games in developing Decision Making
- Traditional games in adapting to your environment
- Traditional games and Mythology
- Traditional games and the environment
Carnival style games which are quick, simple and are played by one or two people are laid out in stalls that people can visit at their pleasure. The carnival serves as a fun introduction to the games traditionally played by our ancestors in their youth.
The carnival can be of two types - indoor and mixed, depending on the space available. The indoor carnivals will be limited to stalls, and we can put up a life-size game as a central attraction. One or two outdoor games will be conducted during the day as a group activity for a mixed type carnival.

Special event for holidays/functions
We set up activities centred on particular festivals and holidays for special events and functions. Traditional games are fun and engaging and are a nice accompaniment to such events. Below are different types of school events in which Kreeda has participated -
- Festival celebrations like Diwali and Christmas
- Environment Day celebration
- Parents’ Day / Grandparents’ Day celebration
- Children / Teachers’ Day celebration

Kreeda has a whole range of games from short solitaire played with locally available materials to sophisticated board games focusing on strategy, as well as complex games of dice. In addition, there are a whole range of games involving a high degree of physical activity. All of these are ideal to suit different types of competitions conducted in schools, with the added advantage of ensuring that the younger generations are also familiar with age old traditions.
- Inter School competitions
- Inter House competitions
- Sports day

Year-long activities
Apart from such events, we are looking to create long term partnerships with schools. In a time of nuclear families where working parents struggle to pass down their traditions, children slowly lose touch with their roots. These games are a great way to re-establish that connection. By exposing students to these games year-round, by participating in heritage club activities or PT classes, we can prevent this important aspect of our culture from fading into the annals of history.
A Kreeda Club can be started to familiarize students with our cultural traditions. Through these games, children can learn a lot about our mythology, history, and social life. The club can meet once a month and share ideas and thoughts while also learning to play new games.
We can also set up a colourful Kreeda display on traditional games with trivia and information about Indian tradition and culture that children can learn from, including some of our research into the presence of these games at important temples and heritage sites.